About Us

Based in Wilmington, NC, digitalUniverse is able to offer Internet, media, and design services anywhere on the East Coast. Like a business partner, our goal is to help you develop a strategy that will increase your profits and generate maximum name and product recognition for your business throught the use of new media.

Design Philosophy

At digitalUniverse, we have a minimalist design philosophy: our web sites are simple, sophisticated, and user friendly. With all of our programs and designs, our designers combine up-to-date web technology, contemporary art trends, and competitive business principles to attract consumers and clients to your business. Our "less is more" design philosophy is a cost effective method for developing websites that are attractive, informative, and easy to navigate.

Media Rich Websites

Recently developed Web technology provides many options for turning a static website into an interactive, multi-media platform. digitalUniverse can use JavaScript, Flash, Shockwave, and Cold Fusion to enhance your website with audio, video, live data, and animation.